5 Reasons Why Your Hearing Aids Are Whistling

5 Reasons Why Your Hearing Aids Are Whistling- Hearing aids have served a lot of people with hearing loss problems. There may be some issues that people have to face when using hearing aids. The whistling of the hearing aids is one of such issues. This happens because the sound that is to pass through the ear canal jumps back into the hearing aid. The sound then gets stronger and causes the whistling of such hearing aids.

The reason behind the issue of whistling is that the sound may escape from your ear and may return to the hearing aid and this in turn causes the whistling sound. Zenith Healthcare is helping solve all the issues. This includes the 5 reasons why your hearing aids are whistling. The company provides a wide range of product portfolios including tablets, capsules, ointments, and injectables. The quality product of the company fulfills all the requirements of ISO, GMP, and WHO standards. 

5 Reasons Why Your Hearing Aids Are Whistling

Reasons Responsible for Whistling of Your Hearing Aids

The hearing aids work by converting the sound received in the following three ways and then ultimately you can hear the sound properly. In the first step, it goes through the microphone. The microphone receives the sound and then it gets converted into a digital signal. The second part i.e. amplifier increases the strength and quality of the digital signal and later on, the speaker finally produces the amplified sound into the ear. Here are the reasons below.

Excessive Earwax Build Up

Earwax can result in many ear problems. Among these, the whistling in your ear can be one. This happens because the earwax obstructs the hearing. The hearing aids are responsible for delivering the sounds to your ear canal. The excessive earwax obstructs the sound and has no way of going through and it returns to your hearing aids. The earwax can be an aid to your earache or even result in your hearing loss issues. For this, you need to get your ears cleaned by the hearing professionals.

An environment where you get in contact with high-volume

In an environment where you get in contact with a high volume, you can face the issue of whistling of your hearing aids. This happens because the sound in the hearing aid renters the hearing aids and thereby causes the whistling. To avoid such a situation, you need to avoid the places where you can experience high volume. If you cannot avoid such a place then it’s better to switch off your hearing aids and there will be no possibility of such an issue.

Unhealthy Fit

This may happen owing to the change of shape of your ears. The ears change the same way your whole body transforms. The reason behind such a change may be your weight gain or weight loss. The other situation, this issue can be faced includes the not fitting of the hearing aids properly. The earmolds in this case may become loose therefore resulting in a sealing issue. 

Loosening of your Hearing Aids

The loosening of your hearing aids can also cause whistling. This is because the sound in the hearing aid gets bounced back into your hearing aids. The loosening of the hearing aids may be due to hugging, carrying a scarf or a hat, clogged vents, or receivers. The hearing aids also need to be adjusted along with the changing environment. This may be among the five reasons why your hearing aids are whistling.

Tubing of Hearing aids may cause Whistling

A tube connects to the earmold. This may either shrink or harden and in some cases, pull the earmold. A crack may be introduced in the tubing, allowing the sound to leak out. Therefore, the hearing aids cause an improper fit. This indicates that the tubing needs to be changed to get your hearing aid into the right place.


To fix the whistling in your hearing aids, make sure you have the earmolds in a proper fitting. The hearing aids need to be readjusted to correct the hearing-related issue. We have shared with you the list of 5 reasons why your hearing aids are whistling. If the issues regarding the hearing aid continue, then we have a great company, Zenith Healthcare, that will help solve such issues.  

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