We’ve got answers

If you’ve got questions about hearing aids, you’re not alone. Learn what people like you are asking about.

Do I need to be referred by my doctor to have my hearing tested?
No, a doctor’s referral is not required to book your hearing test with Zeneth health care.  This applies for both adults and children.
When should I have my hearing checked?

Routinely throughout life, just as you would have your eyes and teeth checked. Infants have their hearing tested at birth but many people neglect their hearing health for decades. We encourage people to have their hearing tested at major life milestones, such as beginning grade school, entering university, retirement, turning 65, etc. This ensures that any changes in your hearing are identified as soon as possible, and provides a medical history of your hearing health in the event there are problems in the future. Healthy hearing is one of the best ways to stay connected to the world around you.

How do I detect changes in my own hearing?

Changes in your hearing often happen slowly over time, so you cannot detect changes without routine hearing checks. Chances are other people will notice changes in your hearing well before you will. This is why routine hearing tests are so important.

Who uses hearing aids?

Potentially anyone who appears to be hearing well. You are more likely to notice someone who isn’t using hearing aids than someone who is. The latest digital hearing aid technology ensures they are very light and barely visible. You probably don’t notice people wearing hearing aids as often anymore due to the development of new technology that keeps them small and compact.

When should I use hearing aids?

Anytime that a situation demands it you should be using hearing aids. Hearing aids help you be yourself by making you comfortable in situations that are challenging your hearing ability. This way you can always perform at your best.Who uses hearing aids?

Will I Need Hearing Aid For Both Ears?

Two-ear hearing (called “binaural”) is better than one. If you have hearing loss in only one ear, you may be fine with one hearing aid. Age and noise-related hearing loss tend to affect both ears, but your hearing profile for each ear is probably different. If there is a loss in both ears, you will probably benefit more with a binaural solution. Today, about two-thirds of new users opt for dual hearing aids, and as a group they report a higher level of satisfaction than purchasers of a single hearing aid.

When should I be concerned about my child’s communication development?

This depends on what you are noticing. For example a 1 year old not responding to sounds or on name call, may be showing early signs of hearing loss or language disorder.

My 2-year old child is speaking a few words though has not hearing well enough we feel. What should we do ?

Every child is different in acquiring speech and language. So its better to still get a detailed speech language assessment done from SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST as its better to rule out a more serious problem at a young age.

How long are speech therapy sessions?

Session last generally between 30-45 minutes, depending upon the age, the kind of problem and most importantly how much the child is cooperative.

How many times per week should my child need to visit for sessions?

In our clinic, generally 3-4 sessions are being taken per week.

What are different types of speech-language problems?

Common speech-language problems in children are:

  • Unclear speech example /tap/ said as /cap.
  • Stammering – not able to speak fluently.
  • Delayed speech and language- Generally happens due to lack of input by parents, also might be due to hearing loss.
  • Puberphonia- Seen only in boys of age 14-15 .  

Common problems in Adults:

  • Hearing loss with unclear speech
    Aphasia – Due to accident or stroke the speech language areas in the brain get affected
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