What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid?

Hearing loss affects over 5% of the world’s population or 430 million people worldwide. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that by 2050 over 700 million people – or 1 in every 10 people will suffer from some form of hearing loss. Many people with impaired hearing disabilities experience a significant drop in self-esteem and confidence. Hearing aid devices have proven to transform the hearing experience and improve the overall well-being of people with hearing disabilities. However, What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid still puzzles most people.

To increase awareness we at Zeneth Healthcare have compiled an informative guide to answer What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid? The blog will leave you with a basic understanding of the different stages of hearing loss and when is the right time to seek a hearing aid. 

What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Heading Aid?

An Overview of Different Types of Hearing Loss Commonly Seen in People 

Hearing loss can be partial or complete in one or both ears. Hearing loss can be measured in terms of severity, ranging from mild to profound. It can also be classified as conductive, sensorineural, or mixed, based on the affected part of the auditory system. Sensorineural hearing loss is irreversible and mostly caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve. Whereas, conductive hearing loss occurs when there is an issue with blockage or damage to the eardrum or ossicles. Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

Refer to the table below to learn about the hearing range of a person. A person is considered to have hearing loss if there is a diagnosed loss of 25 dB HL in one ear.

Hearing Category

Hearing Ability

Dynamic range (healthy) 20Hz to 20KHz
Considered ‘normal hearing’ 0-20 dB HL
Considered hearing loss Loss of 25 dB HL in one ear (from base level)

Understanding the 5 Stages of Hearing Loss 

The hearing loss symptoms may vary from one person to another. Several factors also affect the degree of hearing aid seen in people. These variations in degree make it difficult to know when to seek help and get a suitable hearing aid. Understanding these five stages can make it easier for you to know when you need to get a hearing aid. We have compiled the table below to help you gain a better understanding of these five different stages of hearing loss and at which stage you need a hearing aid: 

Stage Hearing Loss Stage Audibility of Sound (dB) Need for Hearing Aid
Stage 1 Normal 0-25 Not typically needed
Stage 2 Mild 26-40 Usually not needed
Stage 3 Moderate 41-55 May be beneficial
Stage 4 Severe 56-70 Often recommended
Stage 5 Profound 71+ Typically required

Based on this table it will be easier for you to decide when to visit an audiologist and get a   suitable hearing aid device. Mostly at this point, people begin to notice that they are missing some sounds and their ability to communicate has declined. In moderate hearing loss, it becomes more of a need to get a hearing aid as you become unable to hear sound in the daily routine. 

Choosing the Right Hearing Aid for You 

In hearing aids, the “one size fits all” mantra doesn’t work. The first step is to consult a renowned and experienced audiologist who can assess the degree of hearing loss and help you choose the right hearing aid for you. There can be a myriad of reasons responsible for causing different levels of hearing loss. 

Some of the underlying causes of hearing loss could be age, loud noise, illness, infections, genetics, or other causes. You shall book an appointment with an expert and get a hearing test done to know about the degree of your hearing loss. Choosing the right hearing aid for you is not solely dependent on the degree of your loss but also on your lifestyle, the type of hearing loss, and your feelings about your hearing. The range of hearing aids from different brands that you can choose from are: 

  1. Specialty hearing devices
  2. Behind the ear
  3. Completely-in-the-canal hearing aid
  4. Receiver-in-canal
  5. CROS hearing aid
  6. Invisible-in the-canal
  7. Canal aids
  8. Middle ear implant

Wrapping Up!

Hearing loss can take a toll on the overall quality of people’s lives. Hearing aids can help people combat several challenges and offer a myriad of benefits. With this blog on What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid, you will learn informative insights about the different stages of hearing loss. You can also reach Zeneth Healthcare for comprehensive hearing assessments and genuine hearing aid devices.