Effects of Hot and Humid Weather on Tinnitus

Effects of hot and humid weather on Tinnitus- As the summer season has arrived with a high level of heat and humidity, it can be challenging for people suffering from tinnitus. Effects of hot and humid weather increase the wax in our ears which can block the path through which sound travels. A sudden change in the weather can also be a reason for tinnitus.

Changes in weather conditions, which include high and humid levels can affect the symptoms of tinnitus. Once you understand how hot and humid weather can affect tinnitus, you will be able to manage your symptoms and cure it. Continue reading this blog by Zeneth Healthcare to know more about the Effects of hot and humid weather on Tinnitus.

Effects of hot and humid weather on Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an internal sound that other people cannot hear. Some people describe tinnitus as ringing, buzzing, or a roaring sound. With the reading of surveys, it is found that only 15-20% of people experience tinnitus. It is common for both children and adults. Tinnitus can either improve or can get worse with time. But if it lasts for 3 months or more, then it can become a chronic disease. 

Symptoms of Tinnitus

The symptoms of tinnitus may vary from person to person. It can be a buzzing sound, a ringing sound, or a humming sound that you hear in either one ear, both ears or even in your head. Tinnitus can affect you for a short time or even a long time. Some of the symptoms of Tinnitus caused by the effects of hot and humid weather are listed below:-

  • High wind pressures.
  • Age factor
  • Head or Neck injuries
  • Loud Noises
  • Hearing Loss
  • Infection in ears

Treatment for Tinnitus

The treatment for tinnitus depends on the condition of your health. People suffering from chronic tinnitus may not recover completely, but those who are suffering from temporary tinnitus may get cured if they undergo proper treatment. Some of the treatments for tinnitus that can help you get cured are listed below:-

  • Medication
  • Removing Earwax
  • Blood Tests

Prevention for Tinnitus

Some of the methods are listed below to prevent tinnitus.

  • If you are working in a factory or at any construction site where there is loud sound of machinery, try using ear plugs which helps in reducing the sound levels and thus can prevent tinnitus.
  • If you are attending any concert, try to avoid standing near the speakers as exposure to loud sound can affect your eardrum and can cause tinnitus.
  • Do not plug headphones or earphones for a long time into your ears as the sound and its radiations directly affect your ears which can cause tinnitus or can even lead to hearing loss.
  • Always check the medicine prescribed to you, if it will cure the problem or has side effects making it even worse.
  • Try to keep yourself relaxed, calm, and stress-free as tinnitus can start when you are anxious or stressed.

Effects of hot and humid weather on Tinnitus

Tinnitus can become very irritable sometimes and can affect your coping with your daily life activities. Some of the effects of tinnitus  are:-

  • Trouble while sleeping
  • Poor concentration
  • Irritation or frustrated
  • Uncomfortable

Things that can help you manage Tinnitus

Try to follow the following points that can help you to manage tinnitus.

  • Try to keep yourself busy. This will help you to distract yourself from the problem.
  • Stop discussing it regularly with your family and friends.
  • Try to keep yourself calm and relaxed.
  • Stop examining your tinnitus level continuously.


It’s not in your hands to control weather conditions but, it depends on you how you handle the effects of hot and humid weather on Tinnitus. Try to follow the prevention and cures mentioned above which will help you to get relief from tinnitus.